we learn every step of the way

Author mtraynor


Online Art Practices The first topic I spent half my time in. We discussed a lot of interesting lesson plans for art class. One idea was to go outside, collect some pieces from nature (leaf, rock, tree branch) or from… Continue Reading →

Curriculum and Assessment

Grades. It seems there’s a lot of mixed feelings about Grades. Wouldn’t have thought that before this program. The amount of times I’ve heard students complain about not getting graded for something meaning that they have no motivation to do… Continue Reading →

C2C 2020 Provincial Conference

Session 1: Land Based Libraries The presenter Mardelle Sauerborn questioned her own idea for this presentation. What is a land based library? Is that a real thing? What can that mean to us? Stories are inherently linked to land, and… Continue Reading →

One Month Check In

1. What is your biggest learning so far about teaching and learning in your first month of the B.Ed. program experience? I feel that the first month of this program focused a lot on Core Learning Outcomes for this program…. Continue Reading →

Till the Soil Before Planting the Seeds

Without first decolonizing, there can be no true indigenizing. That was the biggest lesson that I took away from today’s virtual Indigenous Professional Development Day. Until we identify the ways that colonization and white supremacy shape our every day thoughts… Continue Reading →

Digital Literacy

Defining Digital Literacy: Digital literacy breaks down into four skills: 1: Usage 2: Communication and Interaction 3: Creation 4: Analysis (Lee, 2014) In essence, to be digitally literate, one must be able to… -operate technological devices to perform simple tasks -communicate… Continue Reading →

Teaching Metaphor

“Improvement is a reality — Perfection, a liability.” It took me some serious thinking to put to words the intent and moral message that I learned to embody in a very memorable year with one of my voice teachers. “Reframing”… Continue Reading →

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