we learn every step of the way

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Practicum 491

Weā€™re only at the halfway point, but I feel that already I have enough to say about this practicum for a blog post. Rather than go through the whole experience, Iā€™d like to highlight a few things that I am… Continue Reading →

Sept 24th – Professional Development Learning

A message that stuck with me after this morningā€™s learning was not focusing on the big picture. Indigenizing and decolonizing schools and education is too big to think about. Just like saving the environment. The advice of Dustin Louie was… Continue Reading →

491 – Goals

Standard 1:Ā IEPs – This is new for me, so I would like to learn as much as possible with regards to this student during this practicum so that I can be of benefit to similar students in the future. Standard… Continue Reading →

446 – Things Taken into Practicum

In New Media 11 in my first practicum (that ā€œcountedā€), I brought in a few different videos by Wab Kinew, which had been introduced to me in one of our decolonization workshops on a professional development day. In this media-focused… Continue Reading →

Career Education – 401

The large overarching message I got from this course is how important it is to embed career education into our regular classes because students are currently receiving a limited amount of Career Education or time with teachers on this subject,… Continue Reading →

Innovative Community-Based Approaches – 441

The work that I would like to highlight from this class occurred during the second and third week. In the third week, we were asked to do a deep dive into systems thinking tools. Some of the options that we… Continue Reading →

Diverse Classrooms – 402

The instructor for this class chose to take a practical approach to our learning on diversity. Using an ADST focus, we were asked to create a classroom. In groups, we had to come up with our classroom seating plan, our… Continue Reading →

Inclusive Education 336

I really appreciate this class because I feel that we could have used this information months ago and it would have greatly benefited my performance in the last practicum. There are many instances now where I think that I could… Continue Reading →

Humanities 361

To try to summarize all the things that I learned in this class would be impossible, so I would like to highlight a couple things I thought were memorable to my learning experience. Triangulation was something that had been brought… Continue Reading →

Practicum – New Media 11

I was really happy with how my practicum went. I responded to and implemented all the feedback given to me by my coaching teacher. My guiding question or goal going into this practicum was to conquer student connections, and after… Continue Reading →

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